LTF-8M925 LED Lightbar

1. Summary
2. Features
1). PC and aluninium alloy material;
2). LED bulbs, energy saving, low consumption, environmental protection
3). Weather-proof housing
4). Perfect for police fire EMS and construction vehicle lighting and airforce .
5). All High intensity Gen 3.5 LED modules
7). Ultra slim profile and clear lens for stealth look
8). 3 Tir 1.5 Watt LEDs
9). Choose from 8 flash patterns
10). Built-in amber arrowstick
11). Ideal for fire trucks, tow truck and oversized vehicles
12). Includes gutter style mounting kit and control box
13). Adjustable Feet
14). 12 foot power cord (12V DC) (lights use a cigarette adaptor plug)
15). 40" Long & 48 Gen 3.5 - 1W LEDs
16). Size: 40" x 3 1/2" x 4 1/2"
If the LED lightbar can not work, please check the main fuse inside the cigar plug.

Police, Fire, The Automotive,
Police, Fire, Motorcycle, Construction,
Emergency Vehicle and School Bus Industries